Log file FTP

Almost all game servers saves log files which can be used for statistics as evidence for league games or to find errors. These log files are stored on a separate server at 4Netplayers. You can download them easily and conveniently from there. The same also goes for the log files and screenshots from Punkbuster and other admin tools.

Login on the website
You can reach the FTP really easily using the FTP log files button in server management. It will automatically open a new browser window and log you in automatically. You can start viewing and downloading your log files right away.

Login using FTP programs
You can connect to the Upload FTP using almost any FTP program. You can access the FTP upload at ftp://logs.4netplayers.de. To access it, you must enter a username (the IP) and a password.

Structure of the log files FTP
For each server you set up, a directory will be created with the server ID of the game server as its name. This keeps all game servers separate and prevents log files from being overwritten. The rest of the directory tree depends partly on the game's settings. Log files are usually named and sorted by date and time.

Further advice:

Log files are deleted when they are older than seven days. Following this, the log files will be permanently lost and even the support team will not be able to retrieve them!
Log file FTP access is only intended for downloading log files. Files cannot be uploaded here. Please use the Upload FTP access for this.

Tags: FTP
Last update:
2014-09-29 16:19
Average rating: 1 (3 Votes)

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